This site, along with the manual pages, the documentations available on the GNU project's site, and some examples on the Internet, helped me understand somethings (not everything) related to Bash, Cat, Sed (I am still in doubt about most of the things I've learned about Sed), regular expressions (I had a hard time putting the pieces together), expansion types, input and output redirection (file descriptors, command redirection etc).

This knowledge is what makes it possible for me to write a simple Bash script called SQDownloader (, although I still need to improve it.

My advice is the following: If you find some instructions on the Internet, or anywhere else, look for informations about them before using them, and only use such instructions if you can find relevant informations about them, and of course, only after understanding what these instructions do.

Also, don't forget to take breaks, no human is a robot.

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

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