I totally agree with you except in two things:
1- It's not important to be sceptical but to be doubtful and try to check everything by empiric facts instead of what someone writes. 2- If someone is not a reliable source doesn't mean that something he/she states is not true. So, to the point #1 again, check it.

Prisonplanet is obvious a "source" that tries to get 'x' kind of people (as others tries to get 'y' kind of people) to get money from them (in differents ways) and it could be that prisonplanet actually could be a intelligence agency that enprisoned people who are "paranoid" (not in fact) to guide them the place they (big brother) want(s) to.

Microprocessors and microcontrollers works in frecuencies, so it could be very bad to have another radio source aside with it. This is the real reason to be sceptical...

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