I have used Trisquel (6.0) for a few days now, but have some problems with the graphics. I have a NVIDIA-card and I'm using the nouveau drivers. The resolution is optimal for my monitor, but there is no acceleration.

I couldn't even start GNOME - after typing my username and password, it crashed and I was back at the login screen again. By installing the Mini-version and looking around in the package manager, I eventually found out that the package "libgl1-mesa-dri" (probably in combination with compiz as window manager) was causing the problem.

Another graphic related problem occurs a few seconds after I select Trisquel from the GRUB-menu - the whole screen gets filled with different colors (hard to explain), but looks fine again when the desktop manager starts. Maybe not a big problem, but just looks awful.

Is there something I can about this, or is the drivers included with this distro just to old? I used Debian before, and everthing worked fine there (and yes, I stayed away from the non-free repos).

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