
I'm new to Trisquel but not entirely new to GNU/Linux. I've been trying to install Trisquel on a T60p laptop using the text installer so I can set up LUKS for full disk encryption. If I use the guided setup option to use an encrypted disk, it fails. If I do a manual setup, if I try to use aes-xes-plain64, it also fails. If I instead choose one of the CBC or EBC options, everything proceeds as expected.

Is this normal? I'm conjecturing aes-xes-plain64 may not be completely free, or perhaps relies on blobs in the kernel that are not present?

(I know down the road I'll probably have issues with the ATI FireXL graphics in this machine, but I'm hoping things will work well enough without acceleration to be usable. I'd like to eventually more this machine to Coreboot.)

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