Yeah great thread. I get as passionate about figuring out stuff as yourselves. Annotation is the key to the world and my life's project.

The problem with books and articles is its impossible to incorporate , into the process because we all sit down to learn in a mood and come up with creative questions during our shifting day moods and friends moods etc.

A properly built Annotation platform for a community allows all the questions and answers to be more efficiently and fun brain absorbed. There are some industry leaders in Annotation but after researching the game it's not being done right it should be way more mainstream and a few stand out features that I can't believe arn't added as of yet, and that I'm keeping to myself because I'm a broke dad hoping to make at least enough to raise a child in modesty, I do intend to release it FLOSS Style but need all sorts of help so keeping it away from any proprietary viruses out there, preview at You Can make a living FLOSS needs to be a sticker.

Again really impressed with seeing this thread and community behind it Really passionate about Trisquel and Dynebolic.

All Best

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