mindfulpessimist said:
> Windows sucks. Oh my God, I "mentioned" Windows.

Mentioning proprietary software wasn't what happened here. What happened was you linked to a web page that recommends proprietary software. That's a world of difference.

Apparently you only meant to link to the page as a suggestion for how to make something like net install better. But as I mentioned, it looked like you were suggesting for people to use Porteus the first time I read your post. Now you're getting disproportionately angry about a misunderstanding and lembas' request to not inadvertently cause this same misunderstanding in the future.

Also, threatening to not donate to the project? That's arrogant. Trisquel survived just fine before you came along last week, and it will not be killed off simply because one new person decides not to donate. It would be nice if you would donate, but Trisquel doesn't depend on you. Also, the threat doesn't make a lick of sense, because you're talking to Trisquel users, not the people you would have been giving money to by donating to Trisquel.

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