Yes- Like LibreWRT LibreCMC has taken OpenWRT and ripped out a ton of code. At the moment that's about all it is. However if there is demand and people contributing there is a lot of potential for the router and other devices or types of devices. Particularly ones that are freedom-oriented.

For example I'd love to put out a product that makes it easy to maintain your own personal mail server. Currently the laws in the United States make it easy for law enforcement to gain access to any emails stored on a third party server. While in transit they are protected, but after a certain number of days thats no longer the case. Using companies like Yahoo! and Gmail put your communications at unnecessary risk.

In an ideal world there would be a cheap device (under $100) that users could plug into a network and access remotely. Something that gives users all the benefits of web mail without the privacy head aches of using a third party.

Now this isn't the end-all solution to the problems governments present (think NSA). Such agencies are still going to be able to monitor unencrypted communications even if such communications can't be used in court (sadly, it is apparent it is being used to identify people of 'interest' though, commonly known as "Parallel Construction"). No. We need a solution that automates the use of encryption built into such a device as well. Ideally it would have the anonymity properties of Tor with the authentication of GPG. That is you can be relatively sure the person your talking to is the same person and nobody else each time you communicate and they still can't identify you unless your reveal such identifying information within the communication (or post it elsewhere).

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