If Linux Journal attracts extremists to such a degree that ALL people who visit their website are tagged and filed into some system of suspects, then I just don't know what to say or think.

Remember what the original quote was: "The NSA is also tracking anyone who visits the popular online Linux publication, Linux Journal, which the NSA refers to as an “extremist forum” in the [XKeyscore] source code."

There is more at Linux Journal. http://www.linuxjournal.com/ check out their front page!

Linux Journal has a circulation of nearly a million and so does The New Yorker.

Newsweek has around one and a half million I think. These numbers seem pretty mainstream to me, hardly the hot bed hangout of extremists.

Same with GNU/Linux and all the GPL licensed software.

“The GPL licenses more software than MicroSoft and Oracle put together. The GPL is roughly an order of magnitude larger than SAP, the largest commercial producer of software in the European Union.” --Eben Moglin http://youtu.be/FI1CoeqyD5o?t=2m44s

When will the hysteria end?

Let no one entertain the idea that GNU/Linux or free software is odd, small, or extreme.

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