Sorry guys,

Maybe I wasn't clear enough.

I am looking for secure and anonymous web hosting.

I'm no pirate to need 10Gb+ of hosting.

I'm no script kiddie to need all sort of CGI.

Anonymous means I can't host it at work.

Anonymous means I can't pay.

Yet, I'm not into kiddie porn so I am not looking for an illegal solution.

I am asking you all this because the search engines are bombed by sites like and page after page the decent hosters, which I am sure they still exist, are pushed back.

Plain text HTML, plain text CSS, both gzippable, maybe a few PNGs and JPEGs.

No database, no cross site scripting, no fingerprinting and counting. Sorry, I see people talking about free here all day long. They check the licence label like they are lifting the tail of a cat to make sure if it's a boy or a girl. And than talk about all sort of two bit sites using harmful code and harmful plugins. Again, sorry, but talking about unfree Javascript while having flash installed is plain stupid to me.

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