Thank you for the answer Quiliro!

I found a manual titled "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way" by Eric Steven Raymond. Is this the one you mentioned? I tried for "intelligent questions manual," but I didn't find one with that name. Well, if that's the one, I will read it. Thank you for the recommendation. I don't post much on forums, and I'm not such a technically competent person. Thank you for the guidance.

As to your questions:

Gnome 3.8.4

I have installed Trisquel 7 in two computers and can confirm that neither of them have a keyboard layout indicator and I cannot switch keyboards with shortcuts (tried setting several different shortcuts):

1) Macbook Pro 2011.
2) emachines e720.

- The keyboard layout indicator used to appear automatically when adding more than one layout on Trisquel 6. This is not the case with Trisquel 7 (tested on two different installs with new accounts created).

- I have tried adding the "indicator applet" and the "indicator applet complete". Neither of them include the keyboard layout indicator.

- I tried adding a "notification area" applet. This (visibly) does absolutely nothing. Perhaps the problem is here?

- I have looked through all other applet options (in the task bar "add to panel + option) but there are no others related to the keyboard as far as I can tell. Available options are:

* Invest
* Keyboard Accessibility Status
* Lock Screen
* Log Out
* Main Menu
* Menu Bar
* Notification Area
* Null applet
* Power Off
* Run Application
* Search for Files...
* Separator
* Show Desktop
* Sticky Notes
* System Monitor
* Trash
* User menu
* Window List
* Window Selector
* Workspace Switcher

- I tried installing a package named xkb thinking it would provide a different indicator, but it did not.

- I have checked in Synaptic Package Manager, and the following packages related to keyboard indicator are installed:

1) indicator-keyboard version 0.0.0+14.04.20140410.1-0ubuntu1
2) gkrellm-xkb version 1.05-5

- I have looked at system settings > keyboard and there is no option for the indicator.

- I have looked at system settings > Region and Lanugage > Input Sources, but there is no option to turn the keyboard indicator on. Looking through forums I have seen a screencap of ubuntu Input Sources settings. It looks very similar to the one in Trisquel, but it has an option to tick for showing the keyboard indicator (at the bottom of the screen).

- I have looked through the System Settings > Tweak Tool. The only option I found that could be related was in the "Keyboard and Mouse" section. I enabled the option called "Show all Input Sources." Nothing visibly changed.

- For the shortcuts I tried several different ones in: All Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts. None switched the keyboard layout. I have also tried setting a shortcut through the Tweak Tool > Typing > "Switching to Another Layout" option. This didn't work either.

- I have found several threads in other forums talking about a bug in Gnome 3.8.x wherein the keyboard indicator is absent. These all range between May and Dec. 2013. This is one such thread None of the threads had any clear solutions. The one I pasted mentions adding a Gnome 3 Staging PPA, but the launchpad link states:

=== *WARNING* ===
The packages here have been deemed not ready for general use, they have known bugs and/or regressions, sometimes of a critical nature. Mostly things should run smoothly but be prepared to use ppa-purge, when you encounter issues!

If they break your system, you get to keep both halves.

So I have not tested this solution.

I hope this is more complete. Regardless I will read the manual (please confirm that it is the one I mentioned).

Thank you again!

Saludos libres,

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