I played around a bit today with Trisquel 6.0.1 mini in VirtualBox and this is the result. This is what I did...

Background from Trisquel 7 20140807 disc.

Panel color: #DFDFDF

Panel applets:
Space: 8
Application Launch Bar
Space: 8
Task Mar (Windows List) - Stretched
Volume Control
System Tray
Digital Clock

Added LXTerminal in Application Launch Bar

Openbox Configuration Manager
Theme: Clearlooks

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ravefinity-project/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rave-x-colors-icons ambiance-colors radiance-colors

Customixe Look and Feel:
Widgets: Radiance-Graphite
Icon Theme: RAVE-X-Full-Dark-Grey

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