There are actually a lot of other problems besides non-free graphics and wireless dependencies. HP, Lenovo/IBM, Toshiba, Sony, Apple, and Dell all use digital restrictions for example. This does happen to mostly impact wireless, but is a distinctly separate issue. What it means is that you can't buy a laptop from one of these companies an expect to be able to replace the wifi card in it with one that is compatible with free software.

I highly encourage people to boycott these companies. It goes beyond incompetence or not caring. They are actively working against the user.

There are lots of other issues that can impact support that have less to do with proprietary software and more to do with design. For instance software-based switches for turning on/off wifi cards (ie you may have a card that works, but if it's always off, and you can't turn it back on, then the laptop won't work terribly well with GNU/Linux), support for special function keys (adjusting volume/screen brightness), and power management.

This is a short list of problems people frequently experience. There are some other older issues that have purportedly cropped up again too relating to DRM that I had thought were permanently solved. However I haven't had time to confirm the claims or look into solving the problem so I'll refrain from going into it. It won't impact most people in either event.

You may also run into issues related to restricted boot, but I can't really speak too much about it. I'm not sure how common of a problem it is with off-the-shelf x86 hardware in the worst case situation. At its worst you can brick systems and/or simply not be able to install GNU/Linux. I believe it would also include lesser problems with x86 that simply make loading GNU/Linux more difficult.

There are also issues with CPUs related to digital restrictions. While it won't work in Trisquel or any free system today anyway the more systems that ship with the technology in the CPU the easier it becomes for sites to use / arguments to be made for adopting/requiring it. Today you can watch most content on YouTube, but tomorrow that may not be possible if Google implements code that utilizes this technology in the CPU. Avoid Intel CPUs with 'Trusted Computing Technology'. I'm unsure what AMD calls this technology, but a version of it is also present in modern AMD CPUs.

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