Thanks to everyone who works on Trisquel!

Some feedback:

The most important priority for any operating system should be security. I think it's pretty obvious that no one wants their system remotely tampered with by bad people.

If a supported Trisquel release is not getting all the security updates it should, this is very very not good.

Work on new releases should never result in supported existing releases not getting important security updates in a timely manner.

Please don't see this as ungrateful whining by someone who's not working on the project and feels entitled to the work of others. I greatly appreciate the work of anyone who works on any free software project, especially Trisquel.

I have donated money to Trisquel in the past, but more importantly:

If Trisquel is to be promoted to people as a good distribution that they should use, it should be a good distribution that they should use.

A distribution that doesn't reliably get important security updates, is not a good distribution.

Again, everyone who works on this project, thank you for your service! I hope you take my humble feedback in the intended spirit.

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