riftyful said:
> But I don't mean to martinet, just making sure this is a loose comparison.

It is.

But regarding being able to move to freedom, oftentimes slaves could ostensibly move to freedom, e.g. by paying their owners. It just didn't work like that in practice.

Though not quite to the same level, while you could move away from proprietary software you depend on, in practice it's not always possible. More specifically, you're forced to make sacrifices to make yourself free. In 1983, it was literally impossible without using obsolete systems or developing a whole system by yourself, because there wasn't any libre software at all. Today, the problem still remains in the sense that a lot of hardware won't work without proprietary software, and a lot of websites won't work without proprietary JavaScript. Further, schools are often requiring the use of proprietary software one way or another. I think you'll agree that dropping out of college to be free is a huge, unreasonable sacrifice! So is having to personally replace every proprietary program the university might require you to use, and make it 100% compatible.

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