Hello Everyone !
For those who live near Lisbon (Portugal), there will be the annual event
dedicated to Gnu/Linux called the "Event Linux 2014". This year LibreTrend
will be there, and we will have a table showing our LibreBox, which is a
great occasion to see it, touch it, and play with it for real. As well as a
possibility to chat directly with me (which is always great !).
The event will be held Thursday 25th September of 2014 in :
LISPOLIS – Associação para o Pólo Tecnológico de Lisboa
Estrada do Paço do Lumiar 44
1600-546 Lisboa
GPS: 38º 45 55.59N | 09º 10 57.16O
If you want to come, you just need to register here :
http://www.eventolinux.org/#sp-portfolio-wrapper .