I will post this here because I like trisquel and its users. It might help someone if they run in a similar situation..

A few days ago I bought a new router for my wireless comodity for the old one got bricked after I fiddled with various versions of ddwrt :-) Now, immediately after setting up the router I noticed it was teeeeerribly slow. It downloaded files at the max speed allowed by my isp. Torrent and video streaming did great; but it would take some sites like 20-30 seconds to load completely (DOH!!) I tried A LOT of things to improve it. I was going to return the thingie to the shop i bought it from..
But I finally found the solution.
Apparently the router has some issues with linux (at least with trisquel and xubuntu) and the only workaround is disabling IPv6

firefox or any of its variations---
network.dns.disableIPv6   -- toggle this to "true"

hope this'll help someone

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