On 05.11.2014 20:44, mariox...@yandex.com wrote:
> Have you tried to reach quidam recently?

No, not yet. He told me to wait for Trisquel 7 release because the
website will change as well. A forum colleague just reminded me about
this request.

> Also consider hosting a Romanian forum yourself.

My organization (Ceata) has been hosting for 2 years now a Romanian
mailing list dedicated to Trisquel:
http://liste.ceata.org/listinfo/ceata-trisquel. Many discussions related
to Trisquel are on most of our mailing lists, though, since we promote
free distributions and mainly Trisquel in Romania.

> I have been asking about VPS providers
> that abide by the the free software philosophy which you can consider
> using.

Ceata has its own server with several virtual machines, that's not an
issue. But thank you for thinking about this.

We want an *official* Trisquel channel in Romanian since its user base
has been increasing considerably and Ceata is willing to maintain it.

Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
Președinte, Fundația Ceata

Susții libertatea artelor și tehnologiilor?
Înscrie-te ca membru: http://ceata.org/%C3%AEnscrieri

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