Hey! I'm kinda new to GNU/Linux, I tried around 20 distros, to see which will fit best for me. But Trisquel is the only one where I have a resolution problem... The max I can get was something like 1024x768. My display is 1280x800 and my GPU is ATI Mobility Radeon X2300.

Could it be because of the proprietary "blops" (or how it was called) removed from the kernel? What can I do to fix this? "glxinfo" commands says I have Gallium driver and 3D acceleration enabled. How USB / gamepads etc works in Trisquel? I don't have any GNU/Linux installed right now, but I'm preparing to. Switch forever from crappy Windows, from crappy Microsoft.

Also is 100% free software always open source? How can I know if software is 100% free and open source? I guess it must have GNU license?

I saw SMplayer in software center. It's 100% free? It contains build in codecs.

I miss mednafen emulator in it, is it 100% free?

I suppose your software center contains only 100% free stuff.

Wish you had XFCE version of Trisquel. I like light distros, but LXDE is too lite in features and settings.

I tried both GNOME and LXDE versions. LXDE won't let me enter monitor settings at all... It says display / monitor not found / detected. :/

So is it because of the blops removed from the kernel? I thought the blops were here only to offer install of proprietary drivers (like NVIDIA driver), in the non 100% free GNU/Linux distros. Guess I'm wrong though.

Guess I will dual boot Trisquel for now.

Btw, what's the best way to determine how much swap do I need in swap partition?

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