On 25.11.2014 17:06, t...@puri.sm wrote:
> ThinkPenguin post, take with a grain of salt, since they'd see anybody
> selling hardware as competition, not as furthering a movement. Time will
> tell...

After spreading FUD that allegedly I am reselling cheap adapters from
eBay or that allegedly I bought insufficient adapters from Unex (which I
acknowledge on my product page in good faith at
http://tehnoetic.com/adapter) I understood that ThinkPenguin is into
manipulating the masses. I recently took a look at ThinkPenguin posts
prior the release of the free firmware from Atheros and those confirmed
me they have been in this manipulating business from the beginning.

ThinkPenguin wish they were the only ones receiving RYF all the time,
while others have to cooperate with them, otherwise FUD will be spread.
In ThinkPenguin's perspective, Gluglug is doing it wrong, Tehnoetic is
doing it wrong, now Purism is doing it wrong. F you, ThinkPenguin with
your nonfree BIOS, Google Analytics on the website (now fixed), sellings
on eBay and I can go on with the list why I didn't want to cooperate
with you and I will never do business with you.

Like others, I have raised here my concerns regarding Purism Librem
project, but I wish Todd the best of luck to succeed. He should provide
the community some proof so more of us are confident to back his
project, but that's about the only thing I fully agree with
ThinkPenguin's Chris' previous posts on the topic.

The rest are rumors and lies combined with some truths to make it all
believable, so a better FUD.

Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
Președinte, Fundația Ceata

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