trisq - your post made me think once again about this voting shajt..

I don't care if a post has 153 pluses or 322 minuses - I have a brain and a will; I also am a conscious individual that is not influenced by what the majority deems or not to be right,cool,wrong,stupid etc etc. Otherwise I would probably use windblowz and not trisquel.. yeaa windblowz is so cool that everyboy uses it!!

I don't think this voting system helps anyone to find the most useful post or a solution to a request for a problem or whatever. It just points to the post that 3 or 4 dudes reckoned to be the best post.. which signifies NOTHING!!

And above all - and this I told to someone of you in an email who was asking my opinion about this voting shajt, which I'm gonna repeat exactly the same way - expressing ones opinions, dislikes or appreciations using + and - is very very stupid and infantile (it suits well on facebook because they want you to be stupid and infantile!). Are we some kind of dumb children or human beings capable of expressing all the beautiful shades of semantics??

If this voting dumbness irritates you I suggest that someone creates a post titled "Lets vote the voting shajt" and then after a week or so, when everybody has voted (not with a + and - but with human words) the forum's authority counts the votes and removes it (yes. I am pretty certain that it would get removed, after a poll!!)


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