Since you haven't tried it you wouldn't know, would you?

Tell me, what exactly have you contributed to the "libre software" movement?

How many years of programming? Any music? What about media such at textures, pixel art, 3d models and architecture, etc?

"Even if you aren't a troll and you actually believe the insane bullshit you post, it's off-topic and doesn't deserve attention here."

So the Old Testament is insane bullshit now? Men liking girls is insane bullshit now? Men being non-plused by aging women who dislike men is insane bullshit?

Honestly, if this is what the free software movement is now, I am kinda glad it is sinking and on fire (see systemd, code of conducts, debian today, etc etc, and yes the abandonement of KISS/DOTADIW and the requirement of PC/feminist thought will be the end of linux, the BSDs will remain however)

"Now, the only libre software contribution of yours that I'm aware of is Chaos Esque"

I have no problem keeping it that way.
Hacking on Xonotic is more fun than any of the other FOSS projects I've worked on.

Kinda feels like hacking on Unreal or UT (99).

Go download the game and play it. It doesn't need to be focused due to the hours put into it: it can have many areas of focus: There are enough medeval weapons, for instance, and medeval levels that you can just play that section of the game if that is what you like. Variety is what it's about here (just like in UT 99).

Using the same textures, the same weapons, the same architectual style is booooring. All that is needed is that there are sufficent assets for each type/time. Once there are it nolonger feels "unfocused". It just seems to have various options and individual focii. (Far Future Near Future, ~ww1 era, and medieval)

Do you feel that your own existence is "unfocused" and "not worth living" because both WW1 planes, medieval castles, and stunguns exist together in the world you live in?

Don't disrespect me unless you know what your talking about: and you can't know unless you have actually played the game at all.

If you want to say things you know nothing about (and admit as such) come say them to my face.

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