I didn't see your input MB and Lembas
My Trisquel was dieing. First time it hung instead of shutting down, then would only boot 3.13 kernel which messes with my resolution. Then wouldn't boot at all at least in part because certain file systems (/tmp and /var/log) were mounting read only. Probably something I did, really don't know. So, to make a long story short, I used a live slax distro and fdisked it all away, Centos, Fedora and Trisquel.

>If you use LVM, you can quite easily (after learning how to use LVM...) resize your partitions. Without LVM, it is a pain to resize the partitions without losing their files. Notice that some filesystems (I am looking at you XFS) cannot be shrunk.

Is that the part? I have either just let the install handle whatever it wants to do with LVM or I have done what was more familiar for me so I haven't learned how to make LVM work for me. I will make it a project to do so.

I did this:

Partition 1 - 23 Gb Extended
-sda9 / - 3.2 Gb ext4
-sda6 /user - 8.6 Gb ext4
-sda7 /var - 4.3 Gb ext4
-sda5 /tmp - 3.2 Gb ext2

Partition 2
-sda2 swap 2.2 Gb

Partition 3
-sda 3 /home 537 Gb Ext4

Partition 4 439 Gb unused

Lembas said > I think the /usr could be still a bit larger. (yes, just a single user Desktop, with a web server and possibly other services accessible on tiny LAN - I don't try to hibernate - does it affect /usr or /tmp?)

Your concerns over size of /usr certainly seem valid, after a fresh install Disks tells me it's already 37.6 % full. /var is at 23 % and / is at 13 %.

Also, MB's 6+ GB /tmp surprised me. I was thinking 3 was stretching it. I might want to watch movies too.

My original install everything was just in a 20 Gb /. I tried to see how much was in /usr /var etc but this way it is real easy to see just how each directory is getting used. I see

$ du -hs /usr/
7,0G /usr/
would have worked then.

> 1 GB ext2 filesystem for /var/tmp

That's one thing I didn't get,
You have 18 GB ext4 for / (including I gather /var) and a separate 1 GB for /var/tmp. The Debian doc hinted at that kind of thing too but I've never seen how that works so I stayed away from it. Is /var/tmp in /var replaced by a symlink or something?

While I was reading helpful resources I saw a guy's post re installing 100 plus OSes on two hard drives in one computer. I won't need that but it would be good to have that kind of flexibilty.

Thanks for your knowledgeable help and support, this community is one of the strongest aspects of Trisquel. It's great.

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