Thank you for the answer!

While I've managed to partition the HDD as I want during the pre-installation of Trisquel I still cannot write in Bulgarian. I've chosen English for both the system and writhing. In the freshly installed OS I tried to add BG language support. All I get is BG translation after restart. I've opted out the IBus. In Region and Language section input devices/methods I have both EN-US and BG (in that order) and in System the setting are as follows:

Your settings

Menus: BG
Input: EN-US,
Format: BG

System settings

Menus: EN (US)
Input: EN-US
Format: BG

So during the installation I chose BG format. Maybe thats the problem. However, I guess that the input languages are OK but for whatever reason I cannot switch them. Is the possible and how to add input language applet in the GNOME Panel (Flashback) in Trisquel 7 or not?

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