In Trisquel 7.0 (fresh install) Icedove frequently (several times in a span of a few hours) hangs, by which I mean its window goes completely gray and doesn't come back from that state. I have to kill it and run it again, till the same thing happens maybe an hour later. Checking its process, I haven't noticed any CPU spikes before or after this happens. My desktop environment is LXDE. This happened on a fresh install, to which I had added Icedove, and updating didn't solve the problem. I don't have this problem on another machine which has Trisquel 6.0 and Thunderbird, which I installed, as far as I remember, before the Mozilla rebranding issue and the decision to replace Thunderbird with Icedove in Trisquel. But I doubt this is an Icedove-specific problem, given that, as far as I know, except for the rebranding and the add-ons repositories Icedove is the same as Thunderbird.

I suspect this may be caused by the graphics card, but no other program (including Abrowser) is showing these symptoms.

A similar problem happens when I use KeepassX's "Global Auto-Type Shortcut" to enter my GPG pass phrase for Enigmail in the pinetry window: Icedove stops responding; the pinentry window doesn't go gray, but if I try to move it, it leaves a gray trace behind. This doesn't happen if I manually enter my pass phrase (or copy past it) in the same pinentry window.

Does anyone have any suggestions where I should look to start finding the culprit?

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