"I am overwhelmed by the amount of things to learn with GNU linux. There is the terminal, drivers, programming (I know some basic and java and that is it)"

just to confirm learning how to program use the terminal or understand how the Linux kernel works is not required for using a gnu/linux system
my grandma knows very little about computers and is fine using it


however learning these things can be very usefull
and its always a good thing to understand how your system works

and if you learn how to program then you can change anything in your system(providing its libre)

as for were to start learning about gnu/linux
this rely depends on what you want to know
but if you just want to understand your system better

a good start would be learning about the directory structure
gnu/linux uses a different directory system from windows

instead of having different drive names like c:/ a:/ d:/ etc
gnu/linux uses a single "root" directory

so just
/ and everything is below this directory

if you want to see your root directory
on trisquel just goto the file manager and under devices select computer

this link may help you understand a bit better:

and feel free to ask about stuff you dont understand

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