Hello all,

I have made the switch finally from 6.0 to 7.0 and as always when one makes a major upgrades some things have "broken". I was hoping you all could give me some insight on whether or not I can "fix" these things.

First, I would like to know if there is a way to turn off the fade transitions when one opens windows or menus and get rid of the shadows behind said windows. I much rather just have a good functioning desktop rather than all the flashy things.

Second, when I go to select a background the "Pictures" button only shows pictures in the root of my 'Pictures' folder and there is no way to select a custom area for this. There used to be a way in 6.0, but that has gone. Also, if I want to select a color, I only have the choices given, there is no custom color chooser which is sad.

Third, Nautilus. Nautilus seems to be called 'Files' now? The issue that I have with it, is I would like to get rid of the 'web-browser' type navigation and replace it with a traditional 'menu-driven' navigation like I was able to change it to before. Has this feature been removed?

And last, System settings. Is there a way to resize the System Settings window? I can only see the top half of the icons and cannot re-position it to show the rest. Before it seemed to stay within the confounds of my resolution, and I could scroll, this does not happen any longer.

Thanks ahead for the help,

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