The BSD guys aren't against systemd. Many of them oppose copyleft, but the main reason they don't use systemd is because they can't. systemd uses Linux-specific features, so it won't work with the BSD kernel. In fact, the OpenBSD project is working to come up with kernel-agnostic replacements for certain systemd programs that they want to include in OpenBSD (e.g. initd. Unfortunately, they are also trying to make these replacements available under a pushover license, so I suppose they're reverse-engineering the programs rather than simply going in and replacing any Linux-specific stuff with generic stuff, which would be easier; and this also means that their effort unfortunately benefits proprietary software developers. In any case, this is not "antisystemd" behavior. If OpenBSD wanted the latest GNOME without systemd, for example, it would be perfectly possible to remove the dependency on systemd from GNOME (and add back in support for that obsolete program logind replaced).

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