I'm not gonna click on that link. I don't care much about windo$e users. I find them boring.
You shouldn't waste your time with those who don't care and don't listen.

I will tell you the big points you should use to educate someone you care about to switch to the magnificent GNU OS:

- free software respects you and everyone around you. It is made by a community for the community. Transparency.

- Free software is about freedom and social justice (instead private OSes are about dependency and profit for the corporations)

- why pay for a backdoored OS that keeps restricting your possibilities (DRM and malware) and sells your private info to the highest bidder?

- Why in the world should one give money to some idiot like Bill Gapes or whatever?

-You pay for software that you cannot share with your friends and sometimes not even use on a different hardware than the one you're on when you made the purchase. Really? How stupid is that?

- You will not catch a virus on GNU. Your hard-drive is not gonna fragment with usage. Your Os will be fast and smooth on day 718 as it was on day 1.

- apt update && upgrade takes care of all the software on your computer. Everything is always magically updated to the latest version.

- You pay for an antivirus that gives you a mere illusion of safety (the windozz OS is backdoored and there is no anti-whatever for that).

- Performance on a same computer when comparing GNU and Winzozz is clearly stellar on GNU and shitty on Winzozz (and on that ShitOS it gets worse with time due to the registry stupid architecture, malware and fragmentation etc etc..)

-BSOD. Need I say more? Stability and reliability.

- People install windose and all they learn about their OS is how to change the wallpaper :P With GNU you decide how your desktop should look like and set it exactly how you want it.

- If you install and use GNU for some time you may actually learn something even if you are not a programmer..

I'm sure there are more points.
Feel free to add.

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