If you can SSH into the server from your home network, then the school network probably blocks outgoing traffic on port 22. Try running SSH on port 80 or (more hopeful) 443 if you can. If you already have a web server using those ports, you can use another server as a tunnel if you have one. It's possible your school filters out traffic on those ports without HTTP headers. You could nmap the network and look for other open ports, but they might not like that. :)

What are your Icecat proxy settings and why do you need them? You can use SSH over a proxy with `ssh user@host -o "ProxyCommand=nc -X connect -x proxyhost:proxyport %h %p"`.

The only way I found to use SSH on my school network was to use web KVM to one Unix server and then SSH from there. OVH has web KVM but it needs non-free JavaScript. Some other hosts have web KVM or VNC on ports other than 80. Those won't work if your school blocks those ports.

P.S. elinks > lynx

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