Hi my first post!

I am trying various linux distros and configurations, and I'm currently trying Trisquel mini. I will post separately about larger issues, and what I'm really looking for, but for this topic I thought I would stick to issues I experienced with Tmini.

I have only tried the full Trisquel briefly so far, some of thse probably apply to that too, some will be specific to the lxde mini environment.

So this thread is by way of feedback, while i'm interested in fixes for these things, i'm not VERY interested unless the issue also affects mainline Trisquel as I have determind that mini won't suit me as a main install (maybe ok for my music player netbook though).

In no particular order:

* Synaptic won't start from the menu, instead of asking for a password it just fails to start. sudo synaptic in terminal works fine.

* Icecat and Icedove available in synaptic, but not in add/remove software!

* no gui method available to set the clock time or the time zone

* no disk management utility (easily corrected)

* lots of errors using startup disk creator and disks (once i downloaded disks), managed to make a usb live disk eventually, but it was a big contrast with Mint, where it worked first time.

* descriptions in add/remove software inadequate. especially need guidance on whetehr a given application / package will integrate well with the currect system or require screeds of dependencies. I downloaded APTonCD and it seemed to want half of KDE as well, had i been warned I might have looked for a different solution.

Software Updater was failing until I did an update from terminal, then it came right.

In general mini falls into the trap of most linuxes I have tried - that is to say it left me with the impression that the guis provided are afterthoughts, not serious tools. I hope it can be improved so as not to put off others less determined than myself.

Anyway thats all the problems I can remember now, if i think of more i'll add them.

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