> moxalt: Do I have any choice.

If you're referring to supporting slavery: Yes. You do. You can simply choose
not to. Just because it's in a book that you are particularly fond of doesn't
make slavery A-OK. Just because the people who wrote the book said that your god
said so, doesn't actually mean that your god said so. Your views will only be
valid if you can demonstrate that a) your god actually exists, b) the book is
actually the word of god (and no, 'inspired' is not enough). Until then, I will
consider putting prepubescent children into arranged marriages unethical, and
not being allowed to shave your temples just stupid, as well as all the other
contradictory, unethical, plain scary, and just stupid things the authors of
the Bible decided to stick in there.

If you're referring to not having a choice on entering wage slavery: No.
Unfortunately you don't- and in one sense you have a point when you say that
slaves had it better- at least there the slavery was overt, and open, not being
vehemently denied by the ruling class. At least the slave was guaranteed life
for obedience. In theory. The modern proletarian is discarded as soon as her
use has been expended, and has to actively sell her labour-power to survive,
instead of merely existing in bondage. I support neither classical slavery nor
wage slavery, but, personally, would still rather be a wage slave and have some
sort of freedom than literally be the property of another person, to be abused
at will without recourse to justice.

> You have pay money to eat.

I support it no more than you do. This is a sorry stage in human society.

> intellectual property

Don't call it that. Property of that sort is in itself unethical. What you're
actually criticising is the employer taking what you produce from you and
turning it into intellectual property for their own benefit- and that, I agree
is wrong.

> become a servant/slave/employee and no more opensource work thenceforth, or
> put a bullet through my head.

Summed it up perfectly.

In that final slew of dates, are you referring to the abolition of slavery?
Because you've got them wrong.

You have an interesting mix of beliefs. On the one hand, your critique of the
present system is perfectly valid, but on the other hand, you want a society
where you would be able to lord over women, own other humans as property, and
marry little girls. Read this: http://www.anarchistfaq.org or apt-get install
anarchism for an offline copy in /usr/share/doc.

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