IP is for the DoD model (AKA TCP/IP or Internet model) while MAC is for the OSI model. OSI has 7 layers while DoD has 4.

Now I'm gonna say that what marioxcc is "partially wrong" in the sense of the use of the word Internet plus another thing I'm going 2 mention:

Internet AKA The Net differs from internet. An internet is any network which is interconected thru routers AND USES THE TCP/IP protocols to comunicate. On the other hand Internet is larger internet in the world (nd dee universe).

So, you can have (example here) 2 LANs connected with a router that connects them and are using TCP/IP. That's an internet. That internet may have a conection to Internet or not but it doesn't means that the communication must use Internet to be internet.,.,.,.,

Now you can read marioxcc answer and u'll get it, then read texts on the subject. Remember that an IP address is a logical address while a MAC address is a physical one (anyway you can clone it, useful 4 binding n bonding)

You don't need to have knowledge to deploy a server because u can do it with a simple howto tutorial and you'll get it working without know anything. To deploy a server won't get you more knowledge on Networking. Not with a tutorial way.,.,

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