At the current funding, the game will be around the estimated 40 levels long, including all of the features you can see in Concept Castle. Graphical flaws will be fixed up, and Tux will be given a run animation (I'll need to hire an artist to do this). Anything else that gets added is purely on a whim, and in particular, I will not be adding features I don't already have graphics for. So for example, there will almost certainly not be a 2-player mode. The intro cutscene will probably also be more simplistic than I was hoping (I would have liked to have some NPCs here, but I just don't have the graphics for that, so it will have to be something more simplistic with Tux finding a message or something).

The game contributors will be getting in a few days has two worlds completed, consisting of a total of 13 levels. So, it's about 1/3 of the way done, in terms of levels. I think it will probably be finished this year, but I make no specific promises; it'll be done when it's done. I'll make sure to keep all contributors (and probably everyone else by proxy, since there's no reason to keep it a secret) informed about the progress of the game. At least, the interesting parts of it.

When the game is finished, copies will be made available to non-contributors for a fee.

Someone chose "ReTux on a Disc" as a perk, so when the game is finished, I will order labels. There's a $20 fee for small orders plus a $10 shipping charge, and each label costs $0.20, so I'll be ordering extras, probably 10 or 15 total. The extras will be made available for purchase.

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