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How did you install orca 3.18?  I did this from the Ubuntu
accessibility development ppa, and have orca talking.  If you add the
ppa and upgrade your system, you will get, not only orca 3.18, but all
its dependencies like python2at-spi, pyatspi, and at-spi2-core.
?There are more, but those are the three that come immediately to
mind.  Here's what to do if you can:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:accessibility-devel
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

When this is done, restart. Orca will be at 3.18, and its dependencies
will match.

Can you log into your Trisquel machine using ssh from elsewhere on
your network? that would be the best way to do this, I think.  Or, you
might be able to start the live cd, open a terminal, sudo -i, mount
your hard drive as an entry in /mnt, chroot into the mounted system,
and do the commands I mentioned.  When done, exit the chroot, unmount
the system, exit the sudo -i, and reboot from your drive again.

Write me off list; perhaps we can get on the  phone, or something, and
we can get this fixed.

Happy to help,

Dave  Hunt

dah...@posteo.de for email
dah...@neko.im for xmpp chat.

On 09/26/2015 03:43 PM, Maatthew Dyer wrote:
> Good afternoon trisquel users.  My name is Matthew Dyer and have
> just joined this list.  I am a blind user of this os and use orca.
> Today I installed versin 7 and discovered  a problem after
> upgrading orca to the latest orca to the latest version which of
> this message is 3.18.0.  I restorted orca or should say I made an
> attempt to restart it and in doing so found that I had no speech.
> I have tried everything from support ault S to typing orca –replace
> with no luck.  I have sound, but there is just no speech from orca.
> Is there a way to rectify this without having to reinstall the os
> and having to set it all up again? Thanks.
> Matthew
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