"You have to understand the reason we do this. You preach freedom too, but you use non-free software too don't you?"

The point is: how does someone "preach freedom"?
Telling people to value freedom is one thing, criticizing others for making compromises while doing the very same thing, that's what I don't like.

Many people here in this forum here claim to be hardcore-uptight when it comes to freedom and think they have the right to blame other people for making compromises. Well, guess what. I'm going to say something many people here don't want to here: In this community _nobody_ is completely uptight about freedom and _everybody_ is making compromises. I know one person who is really uptight about freedom, even more uptight than rms: it is my grandma. She is not using _any_ computer or digital device whatsoever, and there are lots of people in this world who do - not because they value freedom, but for other reasons. Most of them don't do it because they want to. They are just poor - think if the people living in africa. I don't want to change places with them.

I heard people here suggesting others to quit their university career because they were forced to make a compromise. Like: "Using a pc with non-free blobs like I do, that's ok, but using this other piece of nonfree software for the sake of your education ... rather leave this university and get a job in a factory!" "As free as possible" is not thinkpenguin, it's not gluglug, it's not lemote. It is: no pc. And that's possible. And even if people don't want to utter this truth, it is and was always the truth. We all make compromises, and we should not look down on others just because they make more compromises than we do.
Everybody has a different threshold, and that's fine.

The important thing is: we should be concious about freedom, we should care about the issue, we should try to stay as free as -for us personally- acceptable, we should always strive for a solution that is more free and at the same time fulfills our needs.

I don't criticize you for your business, Chris. I criticize you for your way of criticizing others for their doings.

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