I wish the Pyra would take off. I hate smartphones and I would rather have a class of mobile computing that's dead in the consumer market, a UMPC, but I don't think they can enough people willing to spend $1,500 for a dual core machine just because it's a fully open modular platform with a physical keyboard that's the size of a gameboy. It's $1,500 for the prototypes because they can't find enough people willing to spend $1,000 on it because it's such a niche product. (and the designer isn't planning on making much money on it, only a 5% margin.

I think it's niche not because people don't want it, but because people want a powerful phone and don't want to pay for it so they have a contract subsidize it. Also, the market doesn't know there's a viable interest for slider phones, they haven't been selling well because the ones left had crap specs or have the narrow keyboard. But $1,500 sounds like a lot for a Pyra, (and it is) but the way it's designed, it would last me 5 years and $1,500/60 months==$25 per month. I think the creator needs to do something like a patreon and use each individual's contributions as their personal credit towards a Pyra.

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