Thanks very much for all the helpful pointers.

This is the output I got from aptitude search unity:

p banshee-community-extensions - set of community contributed extensions fo
p   community-themes                - desktop artwork by the Ubuntu community
p   edgy-community-wallpapers       - Edgy Community Wallpapers
i A gir1.2-unity-5.0 - GObject introspection data for the Unity l p gir1.2-unity-5.0:i386 - GObject introspection data for the Unity l p libunity-2d-private-dev - Unity 2D shared library - development file p libunity-2d-private-dev:i386 - Unity 2D shared library - development file
i A libunity-2d-private0            - Unity 2D shared library
p   libunity-2d-private0:i386       - Unity 2D shared library
i A libunity-core-5.0-5             - Core library for the Unity interface.
p   libunity-core-5.0-5:i386        - Core library for the Unity interface.
p libunity-core-5.0-dev - Core library for the Unity interface - dev p libunity-core-5.0-dev:i386 - Core library for the Unity interface - dev p libunity-dev - binding to get places into the launcher - p libunity-dev:i386 - binding to get places into the launcher - p libunity-misc-dev - Miscellaneous functions for Unity - develo p libunity-misc-dev:i386 - Miscellaneous functions for Unity - develo p libunity-misc-doc - Miscellaneous functions for Unity - docume i A libunity-misc4 - Miscellaneous functions for Unity - shared p libunity-misc4:i386 - Miscellaneous functions for Unity - shared i A libunity9 - binding to get places into the launcher - p libunity9:i386 - binding to get places into the launcher -
i   myunity                         - Unity configurator
p python-unity-singlet - Python library for quickly building simple p quickly-unity-lens-template - Quickly template for building simple Unity p tryton-modules-sale-opportunity - Tryton Application Platform (Sale Opportun i unity - Interface designed for efficiency of space p unity:i386 - Interface designed for efficiency of space pB unity-2d - Unity interface for non-accelerated graphi
i A unity-2d-common                 - Common files for Unity 2D Shell
p   unity-2d-dbg                    - Debugging symbols for unity-2d
p   unity-2d-dbg:i386               - Debugging symbols for unity-2d
p unity-2d-launcher - Transitional package for unity-2d-launcher
i A unity-2d-panel                  - Unity 2D Panel
p   unity-2d-panel:i386             - Unity 2D Panel
p unity-2d-places - Transitional package for unity-2d-places p unity-2d-shell - Dash and Launcher for the Unity 2D environ p unity-2d-shell:i386 - Dash and Launcher for the Unity 2D environ
p   unity-2d-spread                 - Unity 2D Spread
p   unity-2d-spread:i386            - Unity 2D Spread
i A unity-asset-pool                - Unity Assets Pool
i A unity-common                    - Common files for the Unity interface.
p   unity-greeter                   - Unity Greeter
p   unity-greeter:i386              - Unity Greeter
v   unity-icon-theme                -
i A unity-lens-applications         - Application lens for unity
p   unity-lens-applications:i386    - Application lens for unity
i A unity-lens-files                - File lens for unity
p   unity-lens-files:i386           - File lens for unity
p   unity-lens-gwibber              - Gwibber Lens for unity
p   unity-lens-gwibber:i386         - Gwibber Lens for unity
i A unity-lens-music                - Music lens for unity
p   unity-lens-music:i386           - Music lens for unity
i A unity-lens-video                - Unity Video lens
p   unity-mail                      - Mail notifications and count for Unity
p   unity-place-applications        - transitional package
p   unity-place-files               - transitional package
p   unity-scope-musicstores         - Store music lens for unity
p   unity-scope-musicstores:i386    - Store music lens for unity
pi  unity-scope-video-remote        - Remote videos engine
i A unity-services                  - Services for the Unity interface
p unity-services:i386 - Services for the Unity interface

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