This isn't technically against the community guidelines, but I
apologise in advance for the propaganda.

> Anarcho-capitalism is the only true form of anarchism

This is an utterly baseless assertion. "Anarcho-capitalism" is in fact
a recent development, and it comes from an entirely different
tradition- the right-propertarian "libertarians", not the worker's

Even if you disagree with the anarchist opposition to capitalism, there
is at least a consistent and reasoned argument as to why capitalism is
a form of hierarchy which should be abolished- and it is that which you
must refute, not simply trot out the old 'communism=state! Oh noes!'

It is capitalism which requires authority to defend property and
enforce wage-slavery.

> as any other
> form implies some kind of authority to promote social equality

Social equality will stem from the organisational form of anarchist
society- a federation of free associations. 

The 'enforcement' of social equality is only required if the
underlying system actually tends towards ever-increasing inequality,
such as capitalism. It is the anarchist aim to establish a society
which, through the abolition of the class and wages system, will not
have conflict leading to inequality.

Consider Libertarian Socialist Rants' 'The Case Against
Hierarchy' ( and 'The Case
For Liberty' ( They are
excellent introductions to social anarchism and the anarchist
conception of hierarchy.

It is capitalism that requires a state to enforce social equality,
because capitalism is inherently undemocratic, polarising, and leads to
ever widening inequality if left unchecked. Thankfully, we have a state
which prevents capitalism from running entirely out of control by
guaranteeing at least some minimal rights to the working class (in
first world countries, at least), and thus serves the long-term
interests of capital by pacifying the populace.

> and
> private property distribution.

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Since when did anarchists
want 'private property' distribution? Social anarchism involves the
abolition of property and the retention of possession, not 'private
property distribution', whatever that means. This is a typical
"libertarian" distortion.

If you want to learn about actual libertarianism, that is, libertarian
socialism or social anarchism, then an excellent publication to read
is the Anarchist FAQ. If you run Trisquel, as I assume you do, there is
actually a package which provides it called anarchism. Simply apt-get
install anarchism, then browse
to /usr/share/doc/anarchism/html/index.html to read.

You should especially have a look at the section on
"anarcho-capitalism" here: /usr/share/doc/anarchism/html/secFcon.html
and a more in-depth refutation of "anarcho-capitalism" in appendix
F: /usr/share/doc/anarchism/html/append1.html

You can also read the Anarchist FAQ online:

Feel free to drop me an email at if you wish to
discuss this further. I will be happy to have a chat.

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