I have made a breakthrough discovery.

In /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/, you have to edit both .com.canonical.unity-greeter AND 90_trisquel.gschema.override. However, this is not enough. Afterwards, you must delete the old gschemas.compiled file in the same directory, and then run
sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
This will create a new gschemas.compiled based on all the other gschemas you currently have. Please note that the trisquel schema override and the canonical schema must not conflict; you have to edit them both.

So this solves the mystery of "How the hell do you edit Unity LightDM?"

However, there are still two more problems... how do you even change from Unity LightDM to Webkit or GTK+ LightDM?? I can't get that to work either, otherwise I wouldn't even be messing with this awful default Unity LightDM.

I hope this information helps others out there. On another note, I still cannot get Trisquel Mini to show the Plymouth splash at boot.

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