After purging an old hard drive, I formatted it and installed Trisquel 7. All went OK until I ran Software Updater. At the conclusion of the update, the system asked me whether I wanted to install the system's version of grub or my own. Not knowing any better and being forced to guess, I chose to use the version of grub that was already in place, i.e., my own. After some more hassles and guesses, I found that the update would proceed only if I chose the internal HDD's version of grub, not the USB HDD, which the updater wouldn't accept.

Now that the system will boot up with either HDD's version of Trisquel, I find that I cannot unify the grub passwords between the two HDD's. Whichever grub I change to force the unified password, the results of sudo update-grub2 are the same:

On the new USB HDD:

>> sudo update-grub2
>> Generating grub configuration file ...
>> /etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD: 11: /etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD: 00_header: not found

On the Internal HDD:

>> sudo update-grub2
>> Generating grub configuration file ...
>> /etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD: 11: /etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD: 00_header: not found

And grub will only accept the original password from each instance, not the unified password, even when I comment out the password file altogether, which ordinarily would cause grub to work without any password.

A search in the Trisquel forum on "00_header: not found" returns nothing.

The file, "01_header" is still present in both /etc/grub.d folders, of course. It's just that each grub2 update is looking in the wrong place. Where might that place be, and how can I reinstall grub to fix this ?

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