Good grief! There are no reputable medical professionals who advise against vaccination. The so-called "International Council on Vaccination" are a bunch of phonies and village idiots. ( THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that vaccination is bad. It is such a sad irony, that after eradicating many of the diseases that used to blight the Western world, people have forgotten how truly terrible these diseases actually were. Polio caused permanent disability to many people, including President Roosevelt who had to hide it because of stigma! Smallpox, an equally terrible disease, was eradicated because of a worldwide vaccination effort! We have forgotten and so pathetic conspiracy theorists peddle pathetic misinformation. You are not only putting your daughter at risk of diseases that could seriously harm her, such as measles, mumps, and rubella, but you are putting other young children at risk, because it harms the "herd immunity". Idiot. Being informed does not involve putting equal weight to arguments that are not equal in merit. VACCINES SAVE LIVES.

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