This is an area I am interested in, too.
Let's think about the computer as a 'line of defense' for sensetive information, such as banking records, private cryptography keys and personal information.
The first line of defense is Libreboot. Libreboot is:
1. Not backdoored: It cannot be used to remotely access the peripherals of the computer, such as to act as a keylogger, like proprietary BIOS firmware can. 2. True full disk encryption: you can encrypt the /boot partition because Libreboot has its own GRUB payload (or depthcharge on ARM). Write protection of Libreboot offers further protection 3. Kernel signature checking: use GnuPG to check if your kernel was signed by you.
Your next line of defense is full disk encryption. Do not use any method other than Diceware to generate the passphrase. A Diceware passphrase is very long, so cannot be brute-forced, it has lots of entropy, because you generate the words from a list using a physical die (or dice). Make a passphrase that is at least 8 words long, which should be sufficient through to 2050. I used to have a 10 word passphrase but I once could not remember it all, even though I had used memory techniques such as imagining a story.
So what happens if you download some file designed to exploit a zero-day vulnerability in the Linux kernel, to execute arbitrary code and install malware? It could come from malicious JavaScript (bypassing NoScript using an undiscovered bug, for example), or a man-in-the-middle attack. The answer is a Grsecurity-patched kernel, with PaX flags and a restrictive access policy. There is a pre-built kernel in the Debian repo but I patch Linux-libre and build it from source as I got strange errors. Here are the benefits of grsec: 1. Prevents most arbitrary code execution: PaX flags for ELF executables is a 'least privelige' approach, in that executables should only have enough access to priveliged parts of the system that they absolutely need. It prevents things like buffer overflows that can be used to gain root priveliges. It breaks a few programs, such as gnome-shell and firefox, so you need to manually set the flags sometimes. 2. Managing access control lists: the gradm administration facility for grsec creates an access policy, throught the Role-Based Access System (RBAC). You set it to run and 'learn' typical system activities, and then you commit it to a custom access control list, which prevents programs from doing things out of order. You have identities that are not recorded, such as the 'admin' identity, which would then prevent programs doing 'administrative' activities they shouldn't. This is really powerful and easy to use.
Apparmor profiles can help restrict the system access for applications, with each program having a set of profiles. This does not require much configuration as most distributions have a set of profiles prepared earlier.
SELinux is apparently quite difficult to use. It was developed by the National Security Agency (NSA) in the USA. I do not use it so have no idea how it really works. It is made by the NSA but backdoors are probably unlikely because the NSA use it to protect their systems, and probably would not want rival intelligence agencies getting exploiting it.
If you are concerned by surveillance then Tor Browser Bundle is essential. In fact, if you follow any of this advice, take heed of this! Tor offers great benefits to security and privacy because it gives you as much anonymity online as is possible right now. There is also a 'hardened' Tor Browser Bundle' available to AMD64 architecture GNU/Linux. You should be aware of the following: 1. Tor is a network by which you can have anonymity. It diverts your traffic through several nodes, until you get to the exit node, which accesses the internet. So if you are behind the Great Firewall of China, you could have your traffic exit in, say, Japan, Germany, America, or wherever there is an exit node. 2. Tor is slower than the normal internet. Idiots use it to torrent, which not only unmasks their identity (because torrenting applications generallly are designed to get round network restrictions), but slows the whole network down for everyone else. The network is large but it is not large enough to facilitate large volumes of traffic at high speed. Foertunately, it is more than sufficient for browsing news websites, online forums, etc. 3. You should learn to use Tor and the Tor Browser Bundle safely. If you log into online accounts that weren't created using Tor or using a Tor-created email address then you reveal your identity and possibly all of your usage history for that session. This is arguably worse than not using Tor at all because there is evidence that mass surveillance tracks Tor users especially. I will include the link to using Tor well. Similarly, do not try to 'Torify' applications not desinged to work with Tor, such as the aforementioned torrenting clients. You may do it wrong and reveal your IP address. That being said, if you Torify your email, even if it is not anonymous (if you are using an ethical email provider they probably won't log IP addresses and probably would not have asked for your real name) you can gain location privacy. You should encrypt your email if you do this though, because a Tor exit node operator could read them (they are basically like postcards).
Email encryption is really important too. Public-private key cryptography allows you to send and receive email such that it can only be read by the person it is meant for.
Firewall. The GUFW app in the repos does this. You should at the very least block all incoming connections.
- Libreboot FAQ, basically everything you need to know: - Diceware FAQ, I use the alternative Beale word list on the website because it has fewer "American-isms": - Micah F. Lee's article about getting a grsec kernel: (patch Linux-libre, not official Linux kernel; malicious firmwares are a real risk)
- Grsecurity website:
- "Playing with grsecurity, a brief tutorial": - "Grsecurity/The Administration Utility": - Apparmor: - Security-Enhanced Linux: - The Tor Project and FAQ:
- Tor Browser Bundle:
- "Email Self-Defense":
- Gufw:

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