I guess you're right. I might have tried on a cheaper device, just out of curiosity.

The tablet is too big for me. Unfortunately, anything else would mean non-free software.
And Android from source looks like a major PITA to setup.

Maybe I'll just use the phone as an agenda as well, and accept some more tracking. Is my location history really that important? After all, even with a tablet, having the wifi on at work and other few locations doesn't change much : being tracked all the way from point A to point B is very similar to knowing I've been at A and B (in this order).

The alternative is to be completely off the map.
But I can't go this far (because of the job, mainly).
I understand that being off the grid matters to some professionals. I think it's just not for me, after all. This seems like an investment where returns aren't worth it (for the average user like me).

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