Ugh... Don't defend Lenin, ever. There's little that was good about him, for example he opposed free speech, presided over political violence, and destroyed any force that dared oppose him, like the Ukranian Free Territory and the Kronstadt rebellion. He was awful in the end. Not as awful as the later rule of Stalin, granted, but not worth defending at all. Oppression is oppression no matter how it might look from the outside... Also, Lenin did not found socialism, just the ideology of Marxist-Leninism. There have always been social movements, and things like Marxist-Leninism subjugate rather than liberate. It's socialism without liberty, if it's socialism at all, and that's frankly horrible. Socialism isn't really something you can say was "founded", it is a series of leftwing movements that were formalised into specific ideologies, for example there is libertarian socialism at the sane time as Marxism (indeed, the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin opposed Marx at the 1872 Hague Congress). If you want the good part of socialism read the works of Noam Chomsky:
There's no point sticking to dogma written a century ago, when the world has changed so much. It leads to the cult of the leader, etc.

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