Most of the people know buy computers from a brick-and-mortar store. They go into a store like Best Buy, and they try out different computers and eventually buy one. It would be great if there was a GNU/Linux store where people could go and try out GNU/Linux in person, buy it installed on the computer, and receive support services. Alternatively, perhaps stores like Best Buy could carry a line of computers that have GNU/Linux installed. I wouldn't hold my breath though.

The simplest initial solution would be to set up a table at some college fair. Then make demonstrations, answer questions, and help people install GNU/Linux. If this were done by a company that already exists, like Think Penguin, orders could be taken as well--maybe even sell some laptops there and then. This could be quite a lucrative model for promoting GNU/Linux, since a lot of college students buy computers, and there are a lot of college students. Also, there are many benefits to focusing on college students and universities in general.

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