Obviously they are aware that they want feedback otherwise they wouldn't have produced that blog post when people demanded news. They perhaps think that people will say "why don't you wait, do you really need newer software" to anyone who asks for news and are content in staying without contact because they know that they will always have support of the Free Software Foundation. I know it is good to have Trisquel but the fact of the matter is that it is still pretty obscure. Even Ubuntu has not got very many users in the grand scheme of things, and Canonical could easily go bankrupt as it makes little money from Ubuntu. I truly do appreciate the work that goes into Trisquel's development and maintenance, and appreciate it must be difficult, but the fact of the matter is we need more communication! Without communcication development will probably not grow and this will be bad for the community. The thing is, freedom also means that people can easily switch away. Some people here vocally talk about their use of Debian, particularly Testing/Unstable. So I think that the idea that we are content with older software is exaggerated. Older software often doesn't get maintained after a while. Even Ubuntu's developers can only do so much. For security and performance, newer software is often better. Ubuntu also don't maintain the 'Universe' repository which Trisquel pulls alongside main into its single repository. The fact is old verstions tend to be pretty hard to maintain, otherwise large companies would not pay for Red Hat for RHEL and for the support and stability that comes with it, over a long period of time.

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