I recently tried Parabola, downloaded an ISO, burned it to a DVD±RW with growisofs.

growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/rcd0c=/path/to/image

I tried to take screenshots but there was an error about not finding a file or folder or invalid path, something to that effect.

I discovered a new for me tool -- 'import' which is, so I understand, part of the ImageMagick set.

import -window root screenshot.jpg

You can save the screenshot as several other image formats by changing the extension to 'png' or 'xpm'.

Here's the new to me part, capturing windows.

import -window 0x14002fd mozilla.png

That's a window ID -- where did that come from?


will give you the ID (it prompts you to click on the desired window).

Or, you can simply type 'import screenshot.png' and click on a window or image to capture a shot (the mouse cursor will change into a crosshair).

I can't get the decoration in, not even with the option '-border'.

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