What I am thinking if is just a small computer to act as a USB key card, with memory that isn't easily rewritable, and just extremely simple software running on it. I don't think we need a network boot image but I'm not an expert. I read that a free software organisation in Japan made software called gnuk to run on tiny embedded computers, like that one the FSF sell. This acts as a card, what I'm proposing is that but with the addition of an alphanumeric keypad. Regarding input method, I was thinking more along the lines of an alphanumeric keypad like they have on old mobile phones. This would require less complex logic than a touchscreen so it would reduce the attack surface, and would probably be cheaper to produce. I can see why there might be a problem if they gained physical access to the memory of the system. However, you are basically done for if someone has physical access. They could just hurt you until you gave up the password or use a court order. One reason for this is that a malicious program, such as launched from the BIOS, can just scan memory for private keys. I don't trust my computer, it feels like I am basically a guest, at the mercy of a great corporation. I think that if Intel corporation wanted to they could take control at any time. So this makes such a device not only useful but a necessity.

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