I would definitely contribute the little I have to a free-design circuit board which also respects software freedom, but sadly EOMA68 board doesn't have a free-design circuit and it's an error to think the project leader "is trying to make EOMA68 [board] 100% libre", given the fact he has the circuit design sources, but doesn't want to release them under a free license. He only promises he will do that "once sufficient units are hit" which is a vague statement that puts into question the promise.

For now, the facts show us that the even though the crowdfunding campaign promotes the project as "libre hardware right from the beginning", it doesn't have a free-design circuit. AFAIK and I'm no expert in designing boards, Bulgarian company Olimex actually has been designing and manufacturing free circuits for years. (or tens of years?) Tehnoetic is currently evaluating how software freedom-respecting the Olimex boards are or can become. The preliminary results look promising. :-)


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