Ah sorry, I didn't explain properly:

A is my PC HDD, with the OS within, and some data of course.
B (as in "Backup) is the external backup drive, either the same size, or a bit larger than A. It's smaller than C though.
C is the huge HDD used for storage, unplugged from the PC most of the time.


So there are two separate ideas, because B should have the same files as A since it backs it up (so it's ok if either one crashes), but for C, I was thinking of the DVDs for backing up a few specific files. Though these files will probably be on A and B too, so I guess more is really overkill.

I was considering indeed (at first) backing up all the files of C inside itself, and you didn't recommend it (plus It would reduce the space for data by half). But it's true that DVDs don't last for too long.


Well, that may be my ignorance speaking but I do not believe that searching in a folder would be faster if that folder is alone in a partition. I am talking about a search restricted to the folder in question of course.
Yes, I too doubt partitioning would speed up anything.


With "Backups", it is a box to check. But if you encrypt the partition, it looks useless to also encrypt the backup.
Ah, that's simplifies things, thanks for the info.
DejaDup has some bad press though (maybe because of the user, but still): https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/4blx2o/should_we_replace_deja_dup_as_the_default_backup/

The only bad thing I found about Back In Time for now is this:
There's a "gotcha" with backintime - "dot" files are excluded by default. If you want your home directory's dot files, use backintime's Settings->Exclude and remove .*

I'll have to dig through this https://github.com/bit-team/backintime/issues, or just use the suggested (annoying) quick fix.


So I suppose I should format C as ext4 with encryption.
I should format B as ext4 (no encryption) and set the software to backup on B, with encryption from the software.
And maybe get a few files on DVD (or hopefully there's a better idea).

Did I miss something?

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